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Prospector is a union catalog of  nearly 200 academic, public and special libraries in Colorado and Wyoming. Prospector gives library patrons and staff access to more than 30 million books, journals, DVDs, CDs, videos and other materials held in the Prospector member libraries. With a single search, patrons can find materials and request free delivery to their local library via the Colorado Library Courier. 

Prospector Lending Policy

There are some exceptions, but most items in Prospector follow these lending policies:

  • 21 day loan period (1 week for most DVDs, CDs, and videotapes)
  • 1 renewal (No renewal for most DVDs, CDs, and videotapes)
  • Up to 70 requests/check-outs per person. However, local library limits may be more restrictive and take precedence over Prospector limits. 
  • Overdue fines and fees will be determined by your local library (the library whose card you used to check-out the item) 
  • If all copies of materials are checked-out a hold may be placed although books may not be recalled
  • Springer and Elsevier ebooks are requestable through Prospector and have the same checkout period as print books.  They are downloadable as PDF files. Other ebooks from publishers or vendors are not available through Prospector.
  • Some streaming videos may also be available through Prospector.  Lending policies for these items are dictated by license agreements and may be shorter than 21 days and don't allow renewals.

Technical Information

Prospector runs on the Innovative Interfaces, Inc. (III) software module called INN-Reach, which is administered through III but maintained locally by Alliance staff. Libraries who use a non-III system can still join Prospector. For more information, contact  


Prospector was originally developed with funds awarded through a state technology grant in 1999. Prospector went live with 19 libraries and has more than doubled in members over the last several years.


The Prospector Directors Group consists of Alliance and non-Alliance deans and directors of Prospector member libraries. There is an Annual Prospector Director's meeting held in November.  There is also a Prospector preconference each year at the Colorado Interlibrary Loan Conference .

There are two standing Prospector committees: Catalog Reference and Document Delivery that meet regularly to discuss policies and procedures.  Committees are chaired by staff from member libraries.  A representative from the Alliance sits on both committees helping to oversee activities and organize meetings.